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Japanese Verb Groups
Japanese Verb Groupings Romaji style
see also: Verb Forms, Counters: Numbers,
One way to approach Japanese verbs is to classify them into three major groupings according to the way they are conjugated when spelled with Roman letters. (This classification method does not apply when they are written in the Japanese syllabary.)
These groups are:
Group 1: The u-dropping conjugation
Group 2: The ru-dropping conjugation
Group 3: The irregular conjugation
Knowing which group a verb belongs to enables one to determine the stem of a verb.
Group 1: The u-dropping conjugation
Most of the verbs in Group 1 are easy to recognise. If the ending of the plain (dictionary) form of a verb is anything but -eru or -iru, the verb belongs to this group, with the exception of suru and kuru . As shown below, to determine the stem, simply drop the final -u ending. The masu forms are then made by attaching -imasu/-imasen to the stem.
1 Verbs ending in -su and -tsu have a sh and ch
* Additions to the Group 1 verbs that have -eru or -iru
If the ending of the verb is either -eru or -iru, one must consult a reference source to determine if it belongs to Group 1 or Group 2. A small percentage of verbs ending in -eru and -iru do belong to Group 1. Confusion may arise when words spelled the same way have different meanings. For example, the word kiru, accenting the ki syllable, means "to cut" and belongs to Group 1; its stem is kir-. On the other hand, the kiru that accents the -ru syllable means "to wear" and belongs to Group 2; its stem is ki-. Similarly, the word kaeru, accenting the ka syllable, means "to return" and belongs to Group 1; its stem is kaer-. Whereas the kaeru that accents the e syllable means "to change" and belongs to Group 2; its stem is kae-. Sometimes there are no pronunciation differences differences, as with iru. While the word iru meaning "to need" belongs to Group 1 (stem ir-), iru meaning "to exist" belongs to Group 2 (stem i-). Both are pronounced the same.
Group 2: The RU-dropping conjugation
Most verbs ending in -eru or -iru belong to this group. The stem is formed by dropping the -ru ending.
MEANING to raise, give to be able to be to think to see to eat |
Group 3: The irregular conjugation
This group has only two verbs, kuru "to come" and suru "to do".
MEANING to come to do |
Verb stem + adjuncts
Many adjuncts are attached to the verb stem to alter the verb's original meaning.
- isogi-nasai
Hurry up.
- ame ga furi-sou desu
It looks like it will rain.
- watashi wa benkyou shi-tai desu. shigoto wa shi-takunai
I want to study. I don't want to work.